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Tapping on Being Able to Say “No” – by Gene Monterastelli
Sometimes the hardest word to say is "no". We want to be helpful. We want to give. We don't want to be selfish. We want to be asked again in the future. There are so many reasons to say "yes". What are the reasons to say "no"?
What Are Gradual Step-by-Step “Choices”? (Article)
By Dr. Patricia Carrington
The Choices Method is a rapid highly targeted method for getting more precise results with Meridian Tapping. Correct?
Well, most of the time. Certainly the Choices method can cut right through resistance of the kind that may be encountered with the default self acceptance phrase "I deeply and completely accept myself", and go straight to the heart of the matter.
Things That Can Happen After A Tapping Session
by Gene Monterastelli
I have found meridian tapping (of which EFT is an important form) to be a very powerful tool. I have used it to clean up a number of deep emotional issues, but have noticed a number of unusual sensations after doing a session.
Tap Along Phrases for Sadness – by Gene Monterastelli
Sadness can be one of the most difficult emotions to use when doing meridian tapping. It really doesn't do it justice to tap on the phrase, "I feel sad."…
EFT Choices Manual
The Choices Training Manual teaches you the widely accepted Choices Method to create breakthroughs in your life (or that of others) that were previously impossible using only basic EFT. The Choices Method introduces POSITIVE thoughts, ideas, and concepts into EFT that you would not find there before…..and by doing so opens up a host of new possibilities for your life.
In this vital manual you will learn:
$30.00 Hard copy – $30.00 Download
This combination package includes The Choices Manual plus The Choices Workshop DVDs. The Choices Training Manual teaches you the widely acclaimed Choices Method. And the Choices Workshop DVDs give you an unprecedented opportunity to "attend" Dr. Carrington's popular workshop in the privacy of your home, or at the office — undisturbed. SAVE BY ORDERING THE COMPLETE 'CHOICES' COMBINATION PACKAGE ABOVE $49.00 |
Sit in on a "live" EFT telephone session with a client while Dr. Carrington shows you new ways to apply the Choices method and personal Resources States to a problem of self esteem.
How to use EFT for Self-Kindness (Article)
By Dr. Patricia Carrington
One of the things I love to do is read what others are writing about EFT — or listen to audios or see videos where others present new ideas on how to use EFT. I often then build on these ideas to create new EFT choices statements or Tap Alongs using them. It's like hunting for buried treasure and finding it!
One of my favorite teleseminars that I have created is called “