pat carrington

EFT Forbidding Tactic (Article)

By Dr. Patricia Carrington

We all know how effective EFT is when all is going well with it.  The correct EFT statement often makes all the difference in the way we react to a given situation or person. 

However, each of us sometimes comes up against a stubborn inner voice that says, “I won't!”  (or something equally forceful) to indicate its refusal to comply with our conscious, well-intentioned suggestion.  This “I won't!" can take place even while the EFT self-acceptance phrase (“I deeply and completely accept myself…”) is being repeated, or it can undermine any EFT Choices phrase you might make.


Tapping for Back to School Fears – by Patsy Anthony

by Patsy Anthony, Third and Fourth Grade Teacher

It's time to go back to school… 

Those words can elicit a variety of emotions among children. 

Unfortunately, not all of those emotions are positive.

What better time to introduce meridian tapping to your children than right now, during their first few weeks of school?


Tap Along Phrases for Sadness – by Gene Monterastelli

Sadness can be one of the most difficult emotions to use when doing meridian tapping.  It really doesn't do it justice to tap on the phrase, "I feel sad."…


Introducing the Choices Method

by Patricia Carrington, Ph.D.

Any truly effective method of treatment needs to expand its horizons as it goes along.  EFT is a remarkable stress management technique, and even more than that, it is a way of handling emotional problems that people may have had for their entire lives –– and can often do so quickly and permanently.  I have many times spoken about the way in which EFT revolutionized my own practice as a clinical psychologist, and how to this day it continues to do so.

However, a major technique such as EFT must move to the next step in its development, and it can only do this when we note its limitations and seek to correct them…


EFT Choices Manual


The Choices Training Manual teaches you the widely accepted Choices Method to create breakthroughs in your life (or that of others) that were previously impossible using only basic EFT. The Choices Method introduces POSITIVE thoughts, ideas, and concepts into EFT that you would not find there before…..and by doing so opens up a host of new possibilities for your life.

In this vital manual you will learn:

$30.00 Hard copy – $30.00 Download



EFT Choices in Action, by Dr. Patricia CarringtonSit in on a "live" EFT telephone session with a client while Dr. Carrington shows you new ways to apply the Choices method and personal Resources States to a problem of self esteem.





How to Break Free of Procrastination – (1 Audio)

Product by Dr. Patricia Carrington (#42)

Do the following words sound familiar to you?


The tendency to procrastinate can become a compulsion to procrastinate when you feel you MUST do it even at those times when you know it's not in your best interest. A huge number of people have little or no control over whether or not they procrastinate. The tendency to do that just takes over and dictates their behavior.

If procrastination is a FREQUENT RESPONSE of yours to many tasks then this training session is for you. 

In this workshop, you will learn to use EFT in a new way to "immunize" yourself against the influence of negative experiences and inner self-talk that can drive you to postpone actions it would be better if you were able to do easily and without emotional resistance. Dr. Carrington uses her powerful Emotional Erasing Technique to help you release this all too common behavior by "tapping-in" a positive approach that frees you to realize the power you have in your own life, but probably don't realize.

If breaking the procrastination barrier is what you would like to do, this special training session is bound to  create some important changes in your life.


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