
Enduring Effects of EFT – A Stress Inoculation (Article)

By Dr. Patricia Carrington

Out of deep pain and distress sometimes comes surprising good — not across the board, but little pockets of positive learning can be found even in the kind of shock that we have all undergone since the tragic events of September 11.


Using EFT On-the-Spot for an Accident (Article)

By Dr. Patricia Carrington

I consider the use of EFT on-the-spot to handle emergencies to have enormous potential. If we use it right while the emergency is still occurring or directly afterwards while still at the scene of the trauma, this could forestall post traumatic stress disorder by nipping it in the bud, a highly desirable outcome.



How many times during your day can you lie down in a quiet place with your eyes closed? It's good when you are learning to relax – as a first step — but not for everyday of relaxation.

This is the premise under which my How to Relax audio was developed, after Random House contacted me some years ago to produce an audio on relataxation as part of a self-improvement audio series they were launching.

The How to Relax audio differs from most other relaxation trainings in that it does not teach you how to relax while sitting or lying down, but while you are in action. It shows exactly how to relax unessential muscle groups while retaining tension in those muscles used especially for a particular activity. This is what a skilled athlete does, or an animal loping along at high speed. The result is an unusually useful training that can benefit us all. (See all the details…)


Special Price (Originally $19.95)




EFT Choices Manual


The Choices Training Manual teaches you the widely accepted Choices Method to create breakthroughs in your life (or that of others) that were previously impossible using only basic EFT. The Choices Method introduces POSITIVE thoughts, ideas, and concepts into EFT that you would not find there before…..and by doing so opens up a host of new possibilities for your life.

In this vital manual you will learn:

$24.70 Hard copy – $19.95 Download


Multiply the Power of EFT

52 New Ways to Use EFT That Most People Don't Know About

Multiply the Power of EFT, by Dr. Patricia CarringtonThis book exists because EFT has not reached its full potential and you and I  are probably both vastly under using it.

On a practical level, there are two aspects to this book – understanding the new uses of EFT that are offered, and applying them – allowing you to begin to continually expand your use of EFT.

Multiply the Power of EFT (303 pages) provides a host of Dr. Carrington's power-packed suggestions never before revealed on how to use EFT/Meridian Tapping in everyday life and apply it to many different circumstances in your life. You will find it to be a treasure trove of ideas, thought-provoking insights and inspiration.

"This beautifully illustrated book is an eye-opener for anyone who values EFT."
Carol Look, EFT Master
