Information about Dr. Patricia Carrington’s EFT Choices Method.

What Are Gradual Step-by-Step “Choices”? (Article)

By Dr. Patricia Carrington

The Choices Method is a rapid highly targeted method for getting more precise results with Meridian Tapping.  Correct?

Well, most of the time.  Certainly the Choices method can cut right through resistance of the kind that may be encountered with the default self acceptance phrase "I deeply and completely accept myself", and go straight to the heart of the matter.


Introducing the Choices Method

by Patricia Carrington, Ph.D.

Any truly effective method of treatment needs to expand its horizons as it goes along.  EFT is a remarkable stress management technique, and even more than that, it is a way of handling emotional problems that people may have had for their entire lives –– and can often do so quickly and permanently.  I have many times spoken about the way in which EFT revolutionized my own practice as a clinical psychologist, and how to this day it continues to do so.

However, a major technique such as EFT must move to the next step in its development, and it can only do this when we note its limitations and seek to correct them…