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What Are Gradual Step-by-Step “Choices”? (Article)
By Dr. Patricia Carrington
The Choices Method is a rapid highly targeted method for getting more precise results with Meridian Tapping. Correct?
Well, most of the time. Certainly the Choices method can cut right through resistance of the kind that may be encountered with the default self acceptance phrase "I deeply and completely accept myself", and go straight to the heart of the matter.
Tap Along Phrases for Sadness – by Gene Monterastelli
Sadness can be one of the most difficult emotions to use when doing meridian tapping. It really doesn't do it justice to tap on the phrase, "I feel sad."…
First Steps in EFT – Learn EFT in Under 1 Hour
You may have heard of the method known as "EFT" (Emotional Freedom Techniques). It is a self-development technique that combines the principles of modern psychology with ancient acupressure to bring about profound emotional and physical healing.
The First Steps in EFT DVD gives you easy-to-follow authoritative instruction in EFT. Created by Dr. Patricia Carrington, EFT Founding Master and pioneer in the field of energy psychology, this DVD covers everything you need to know to begin using it immediately ~~ Your "First Steps" toward realizing major shifts in your perceptions and attitudes about yourself, your life and your relationship with others.
As you watch the First Steps in EFT video, you are given an opportunity to practice how to use EFT "tapping" to handle a unique problem of your own. (trying the method out on yourself is worth a thousand words!)
Are you ready to profoundly change your life?
Regular Price $28.97
By Dr. Patricia Carrington
This book takes you to the next level after the movie and also provides a highly effective way of presenting EFT to newcomers and giving authoritative information to skeptics. It makes an outstanding "spread the word on EFT" gift, bringing the wonder of EFT right into the home The book is a beautiful hardcover, with 225 pages.