alternative treatment

Using EFT to Treat Sensitivities – by Sandra Radomski

Using EFT to Treat Sensitivities - by Sandi Radomski


Sandi Radomski's classic DVD Allergy Antidotes – EFT Treatment of Allergies – is an excellent introduction to the fundamental techniques for you to use to help yourself, your friends and family with troublesome allergic reactions. This DVD features Sandi Radomski's 2 hour presentation and demonstration of EFT for treating allergies, made at Gary Craig's 2003 EFT conference in Flagstaff, AZ.


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Thoughts That Can Prevent Sleep – How EFT Can Help (Article)

By Dr. Patricia Carrington

One of the most prevalent mental activities that occur when you cannot readily get to sleep is worrying about some current situation or trying to find a solution to it.  Both these things feel as though they were urgently necessary –– somehow you become convinced that you MUST solve this problem or worry about it –– NOW.  A very useful EFT statement to use if you are facing this kind of dilemma is to use the EFT Choices phrase:


EFT for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (Article)

By Dr. Patricia Carrington

Some things happen unexpectedly with EFT, which leads to innovations and new ways to employ this remarkable tool. These surprise discoveries extend the use of EFT, making us even more able to help ourselves and others.

My client "Marla" entered my office with much self-recrimination because she had failed to report an incident wherein the actions of a neighbor could have affected one of their children.


First Steps in EFT – Learn EFT in Under 1 Hour

You may have heard of the method known as "EFT" (Emotional Freedom Techniques). It is a self-development technique that combines the principles of modern psychology with ancient acupressure to bring about profound emotional and physical healing.

The First Steps in EFT DVD gives you easy-to-follow authoritative instruction in EFT. Created by Dr. Patricia Carrington, EFT Founding Master and pioneer in the field of energy psychology, this DVD covers everything you need to know to begin using it immediately ~~ Your "First Steps" toward realizing major shifts in your perceptions and attitudes about yourself, your life and your relationship with others.

As you watch the First Steps in EFT video, you are given an opportunity to practice how to use EFT "tapping" to handle a unique problem of your own. (trying the method out on yourself is worth a thousand words!)

Are you ready to profoundly change your life?
