Improve Your Effectiveness – (3 Audios)

Improve Your Effectiveness - 3 Audios with Dr. Patricia Carrington(Formerly entitled Conquer Procrastination Inspirationional Tapping Series)

Is persistent procrastination the bane of your existence?

How many times have you failed to stick to an important task, or even engage in it, because each other thing you needed to do seemed to bid for your attention with the same urgency?

Or, do you simply have difficulty remembering tasks that need to be done?

Do you find yourself forgetting common things, such as where you put the keys, or the name of someone familiar?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, this innovative EFT training series may be just what you need!

During these three training sessions, you will learn how to use EFT to turn a tendency to procrastinate around for you in short order, erase your difficulty in prioritizing, enhance your memory for everyday matters, reverse actual loss of memory due to increasing age and at the same time lift a weight off your shoulders in many other areas of your life. (Read description of individual audios…)


Download all three training sessions


(Audios also available individually)




Within each of these audio sessions, Dr. Carrington leads the listener in tapping sequences for the issue in question.




A New Approach to Procrastination (Teleseminar #6)
Procrastination can be the bane of your existence if it is a persistent habit – and extremely annoying even if it occurs only in certain areas in your life (which of course happens to most of us). In this ground breaking teleseminar, Dr. Carrington shows you a unique and highly effective way to handle this all too common problem by using meridian tapping (of which EFT is an important form) for a new type of self gratitude. Her surprising method can turn a tendency to procrastinate around for you in short order and at the same time lift a weight off your shoulders in many other areas of your life.

(Individual Class)


Setting Priorities by Befriending Objects Around You (Teleseminar #7)
How many times have you failed to stick to an important task, or even to engage in it in the first place, because each thing you needed to do seemed to bid for your attention with the same urgency? You feel yourself pulled in a thousand directions as though a classroom of desperate children were all crying out for your attention. This can cause many unnecessary delays and even stop you entirely from executing necessary tasks. In this teleseminar, Dr. Carrington helps you erase your difficulty in PRIORITIZING by using EFT/Tapping in a new way to combat this common problem. You will find yourself naturally and easily knowing what you most need to do, and allowing those "other tasks" to wait quietly in the wings. Join us in this life-changing teleseminar.

(Individual Class)


Tapping to Improve Your Memory (Teleseminar #8)
Common problems such as remembering tasks that need to be done, locating a car in a parking lot, accessing someone's name, etc. inconvenience us continually. EFT/Tapping can be used in a surprising way to enhance your memory for such everyday matters. It can also be used to help reverse actual loss of memory due to increasing age or to specific brain injuries. This teleseminar will tackle both kinds of memory problems –– the everyday variety and the age-related or other organically-based ones. Pat presents applications of tapping for these issues that you can put into use immediately.

(Individual Class)


Get ready to improve your effectiveness!

All three training sessions


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