Operation Emotional Freedom – by Carol Look

Operation Emotional Freedom - by Carol LookFilm director Eric Huurre dramatically documents the progress of war veterans as they shed their symptoms of PTSD during a five day retreat where they were offered multiple EFT sessions conducted by EFT experts, Gary Craig, Carol Look, Sophia Cayer, Lindsay Kenny and Ingrid Dinter. Persistent EFT helped these veterans and family members move through their traumas and debilitating symptoms so they could reclaim their lives. A must-see for anyone who loves EFT or who has someone in emotional pain whom they want to convince to try it.

What Pat Says about this film

This documentary film ably depicts the highly effective treatment of war veterans using EFT. It has just been chosen from amongst hundreds of contenders to be one of the 30 significant films for veterans to be shown at the Veterans Film Festival in Washington DC in May, a distinction that reflects the importance of this film.

Documentary DVD $19.95



Now available as a single DVD, "Operation: Emotional Freedom" is the companion film to the comprehensive DVD series, PTSD and Trauma also featured on this website.

If you would like to see these chronicles of war veterans as presented in this compelling 1 hr. film (some of the same veterans so carefully detailed in the longer film series), you will learn how combat veterans with many hospitalizations, many illnesses and surgeries since the war, people who suffer from extreme emotional distress such as panic attacks, nightmares, and a general sense of great fear of life, can be remarkably helped by EFT in the hands of experts.  For example, Art Fritog, the Viet Nam veteran featured in PTSD and Trauma is also an important participant in  "Operation: Emotional Freedom." Art suffered ever since the war with screeching in his ears (tinnitus) that was unbearable and we see him for the first time dramatically reduce the intensity of this overwhelming internal noise to almost zero with EFT, and this happens right before our eyes.

This film is one of the most impressive demonstrations of the therapeutic power of EFT that we have ever had available to us. I would urge everyone interested in the tapping method to watch this documentation, either in its excellent abbreviated form as "Operation: Emotional Freedom," or in its full in-depth presentation in PTSD and Trauma – or better yet in both forms. These films are classics."

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