Tapping for a New Awareness – (3 Audios)

(Formerly titled "Raising Your Vibrational Level")

In this training series, you will discover a revolutionary way of using EFT/Tapping to change your perception of time in order to expand your sense of the amount of time available to you.

You will also learn the tapping "snapshot" method; a simple but powerful approach to facilitating the Law of Attraction to make your life more fulfilling.

And, last, but not least, you will discover how to experience self-love in an entirely new way as you rebuild your self-esteem in a myriad of small ways that add up. (Read description of individual audios…)


All three training sessions


(Audios also available individually)


On each of these training sessions, Dr. Carrington leads you in tapping sequences for the issue in question.


Using Tapping Snapshots for the law of Attraction (Teleseminar #23)
At this point only a few people know how to use EFT/Tapping to facilitate the Law of Attraction. The tapping "snapshot" method is a simple but powerful approach that does just that. Created by Dr. Carrington for her clients to use, it is a way of producing an about-shift in your perspective on virtually any troubling issue. For example, it is effective if you want to convert dread to curious anticipation, or change despair into a warm sense of good things about to happen. Pat unveils this technique in this inspiring training session. If you do not already know how to use tapping "snapshots" it is a magnificent way of facilitating the Law of Attraction and making your life more fulfilling.

(Individual Class plus How to Make EFT 'Snapshots Work for You (E-Book)



Expanding Your Personal Time (Teleseminar #16)
"If only I had more time!" is the cry of those in the modern world. In this teleseminar, EFT Master Patricia Carrington presents a revolutionary way of using EFT/Tapping to change your perception of time so that you will actually expand your sense of the amount of time available to you. A series of powerful tapping exercises will lock in this new ability during the teleclass.


(Individual Class plus "Dissolving Deadline Pressures E-Book)



Expressing Healing Gratitude for Yourself (Teleseminar #4)
Experience a multitude of thank-you's from yourself to yourself! The theme of this class is a new, often amazing appreciation for your own self. We will go beyond the somewhat vague statement, "I deeply and completely accept myself", to allow you to experience concrete, undeniable, reality-based thanks to yourself as you become grateful for the myriad ways you are presently serving yourself. Join Pat in this class and experience self-love in an entirely new way as you rebuild your self-esteem in a myriad of small ways that add up. This teleseminar is a delight as you partake of its positive energy!

(Individual Class)



Join Pat in this journey down the pathway to your personal growth.


All three training sessions


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