emotional freedom

Using EFT with Family Members

Question: Is it useful to ese EFT with a family member?

This mother's asked question was too lengthy to reprint so I will summarize it here.  She asks how she can use EFT to help her 19 year old son who has a serious history of drug abuse and was recently released from a short prison sentence.  He is now on parole and feels deeply hopeless about his life.  She tells us that she herself has used EFT to deal with her own concern about him, and that her son has "agreed to try EFT".  We can not tell from the letter, however, just how genuine his agreement to try EFT is, or whether he just said "yes" to please his mother.  The reader emphasizes that she cannot afford any kind of therapy for her son, and that EFT is her only hope. I answer as follows:


When a Prisoner Won’t Disclose the Issue

By Rehana Webster

Gary Craig’s Introduction

EFT Contributing Editor Steve Wells from Australia has been in contact with Rehana Webster, an expert in applying EFT in the New Zealand prison system.

As you might appreciate, prisoners often feel such pain, guilt, fear, etc. about their issues that they don’t want to discuss them with anyone.  Accordingly, they can be very close mouthed about their problems.  So how do you apply EFT if the client won’t even tell you what the problem is?


Can EFT Be Used with Children?

Question: What about using EFT for children? It seems as though it would be very useful for them – but I can’t see how that could be done.

Answer: You can use EFT for children with wonderful effects; in fact, you can even use it with infants.  In general, one introduces the tapping points as a kind of game with children and they thoroughly enjoy and respond to it.  It is sometimes introduced to them as a “magic helper”.  With children, however, the EFT phrases need to be altered somewhat. 


Ann Adams, Director of a rehabilitation center for emotionally disturbed children in Atlanta, Georgia, has been using EFT with great success for children who have such severe behavior problems that the school system could not deal with, and they have been sent for residential care.  These are usually children from severely disturbed homes, yet they typically respond with remarkable appreciation to the help that EFT can give them.  It enables them to calm down, become more focused and better able to cope with the problems and challenges they face every day. 


Ann uses variations of the Set-Up phrase such as, “I’m a wonderful kid (or boy or girl)” instead of “I deeply and completely accept myself.” This often works wonders for these children.  If you are interested in using EFT with children, I suggest you read some of Ann’s accounts as well as some of the ways that others have used EFT with children—see the articles on using EFT with children.

Dr. Patricia Carrington, EFT Master

Handling Childhood Experiences that Hinder Confidence

There are a number of experiences in childhood that can create fears about presenting new ideas to others.  Here are some of them:

School Experiences

Unfortunately we learn some “lessons” that are better not learned at school, along with all the essential knowledge that this institution imparts.  One of these can be a deep insecurity about presenting new and different ideas to others.


Expanding Personal Time with EFT

Expanding Personal Time with EFT

In my Expanding Personal Time: The Ultimate Time Management System, I teach you how to use EFT to set yourself free from the relentless pressure of “not enough time. This technique has worked extremely well for many people, and it will hopefully work for you in exactly the same way.

Because I have seen the very undesirable consequences people often experience from the constraints of time, I want to share with you the opportunity to learn this new technique and apply it, whenever you are feeling that there is not enough time…

Set yourself free from the relentless pressure of “not enough time”, learn how to become the master of your deadlines, rather than allowing them to control your life, and how to enhance the quality of your life and your health significantly through introducing a sense of leisurely expansive time into your life.  



EFT Forbidding Tactic (Article)

By Dr.

We all know how effective EFT is when all is going well with it.  The correct EFT statement often makes all the difference in the way we react to a given situation or person. 

However, each of us sometimes comes up against a stubborn inner voice that says, “I won't!”  (or something equally forceful) to indicate its refusal to comply with our conscious, well-intentioned suggestion.  This “I won't!" can take place even while the EFT self-acceptance phrase (“I deeply and completely accept myself…”) is being repeated, or it can undermine any EFT Choices phrase you might make.


Recharge Your Memory with EFT Package

Recharge your memory with EFT(Audio formerly entitled, Tapping to Improve Your Memory #8)

In this empowering EFT training for your mind you will learn how to:

"Tap-in" (install) new memories more effectively.

Use EFT to make unusually strong associations between any new piece of information and old familiar bits of information – a powerful memorizing aid.

"Tap-in" (install) positive Choices Phrases to create a new and more positive attitude toward memory recall.

Use EFT to help your memory to periodically restore its strength.


Use EFT to “Listen” to Your Pain and Promote Healing

By Dr.

In my book, "Multiply the Power of EFT," I have described some new ways in which you can deal with pain by using EFT.

Today, I will talk about what I call "giving loving attention” to your pain by doing EFT, and how this can work to alleviate the pain and sometimes to effect actual healing of its underlying cause.


Tapping on Being Able to Say “No” – by Gene Monterastelli

Sometimes the hardest word to say is "no".  We want to be helpful.  We want to give. We don't want to be selfish.  We want to be asked again in the future.  There are so many reasons to say "yes".  What are the reasons to say "no"?


Solving the Mystery of Borrowing Benefits in EFT (Article)

By Dr.

I was recently reminded of the remarkable effects of the EFT tactic that Gary Craig calls "Borrowing Benefits". He was telling about an experience he recalled from an EFT conference in Chicago several years ago.


Things That Can Happen After A Tapping Session

by Gene Monterastelli

I have found meridian tapping (of which EFT is an important form) to be a very powerful tool. I have used it to clean up a number of deep emotional issues, but have noticed a number of unusual sensations after doing a session.


The EFT 1% Solution: Applying it to the Act of Forgiveness


Andy Hunt, author of the book, "Getting Out Of Your Own Way – Finding and Releasing Unconscious Blocks with EFT," is an EFT & NLP Trainer and Practitioner living in the North East of England. Andy's EFT method of the 1% solution applies to actions we want to change and it can work brilliantly for that purpose. My use of a 1% solution, as taught in my book, Releasing with Pat, applies to emotions and attitudes that we want to change. Both these applications of the 1% principal can be extremely helpful. In both instances we are speaking about using “gradualness“ when approaching change.


Discover the Secret of Intentional Wealth – by Margaret Lynch

Secret of Intentional Wealth - by Margaret LynchIn this one of a kind program, by leading success coach and EFT specialist, Margaret Lynch, you discover the hidden money programs that are running your life and meet them head-on with a series of life changing tools.

What Pat SaysIn 'The Secrets of Intentional Wealth' program, EFT practitioner and success coach Margaret Lynch brings us a personal development course that is unquestionably among the best self-help materials I have ever encountered.

4 part program with 4 hours of audio, over 2 hours of video and workbook with transcripts.

Hard copies & Digital Downloads – $397

Digital Downloads only – $229

(Read Pat Carrington's Full Review)

THE CHOICES MANUAL Teaches the Acclaimed Choices Method

The Choices Training Manual teaches you the acclaimed Choices Method to create breakthroughs in your life (or that of others) that were previously impossible using only basic EFT. The Choices Method introduces POSITIVE thoughts, ideas, and concepts into EFT that you would not find there before…..and by doing so opens up a host of new possibilities for your life.

In this vital manual you will learn:


EFT for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (Article)

By Dr.

Some things happen unexpectedly with EFT, which leads to innovations and new ways to employ this remarkable tool. These surprise discoveries extend the use of EFT, making us even more able to help ourselves and others.

My client “Marla” entered my office with much self-recrimination because she had failed to report an incident wherein the actions of a neighbor could have affected one of their children.


Create Harmonious Relationships

Product by Dr.

(Formerly entitled "Emotional Erasing for the Challenges of Close Relationships" #41)

In this provocative 90-minute training session, Dr. Carrington exposes you to some representative crises occurring in close relationships and helps you "immunize" yourself against similar problems that could occur in your own life.

You will learn the powerful Emotional Erasing technique during this session and then put it to use at home to change the emotional climate of your everyday life. This can represent liberation for you, your family and others close to you.



Audio Recording

Regularly $37.00


Recording & Transcript

Regularly $52.00


Transcript Only

Regularly $15.00




Using EFT On-the-Spot for an Accident (Article)

By Dr. I consider the use of EFT on-the-spot to handle emergencies to have enormous potential. If we use it right while the emergency is still occurring or directly afterwards while still at the scene of the trauma, this could forestall post traumatic stress disorder by nipping it in the bud, a highly desirable outcome. READ MORE

First Steps in EFT – Learn EFT in Under 1 Hour

You may have heard of the method known as "EFT" (Emotional Freedom Techniques). It is a self-development technique that combines the principles of modern psychology with ancient acupressure to bring about profound emotional and physical healing.

The First Steps in EFT DVD gives you easy-to-follow authoritative instruction in EFT. Created by Dr. Patricia Carrington, EFT Founding Master and pioneer in the field of energy psychology, this DVD covers everything you need to know to begin using it immediately ~~ Your "First Steps" toward realizing major shifts in your perceptions and attitudes about yourself, your life and your relationship with others.

As you watch the First Steps in EFT video, you are given an opportunity to practice how to use EFT "tapping" to handle a unique problem of your own. (trying the method out on yourself is worth a thousand words!)

Are you ready to profoundly change your life?



EFT Choices Manual


The Choices Training Manual teaches you the widely accepted Choices Method to create breakthroughs in your life (or that of others) that were previously impossible using only basic EFT. The Choices Method introduces POSITIVE thoughts, ideas, and concepts into EFT that you would not find there before…..and by doing so opens up a host of new possibilities for your life.

In this vital manual you will learn:


Tap Away Anger (Free Download)

Anger is an insidious emotion because it has a way of “justifying” itself so effectively that it almost seems “wrong” to want to tap it away. It tends to cling to us and resist any interference. In this excellent little e-Book EFT Master Lindsay Kenny skillfully addresses the very common problem of not wanting to let go of our anger. If you are caught up in the sweep of angry feelings and want to experience the relief of clearing it, this book can help to free you.

Download Tap Away Anger PDF

Stepping Into the New – (Audio)

Stepping Into the New - Audio Recording Product by Dr. Patricia Carrington

Product by Dr. Patricia Carrington

(Formerly Clearing Your Fears of Newness Using EFT #39)

Is there something you would like to do but you think you just can't do it? Change your job? Learn a new language? Ask someone for a date? Take a crafting class?

In this training session, Dr. Carrington addresses the “Newness Fear;” a common problem that stops people from making very constructive moves in their lives just because they have not done a particular thing before (or failed at it in the past).

During this 90 minute class, Dr. Carrington teaches a powerful new EFT-based technique known as “Emotional Erasing” to rapidly counteract the damaging impact of negative self-statements – those critical thoughts that so often express derision and self-doubt. This surprisingly effective new approach sets you free to move ahead with constructive projects and important next steps in your life.

Don't be afraid any longer!


Transcript Only

Regularly $15.00


Audio Recording (MP3)

Regularly $37.00













EFT for Couple’s Therapy (Article)

By Dr.

There are some EFT and therapy sessions that leave me feeling, "This is how it should be.  It’s why I’m in this work."  A recent EFT session with a couple had this effect on me.


Immunize Yourself Against Major Conflict

Immunize Yourself Against Major Conflict using EFT

EFT can be used with great success right on the spot – even during a difficult challenge -  to deflect the power of a verbal assault or of your own negative thoughts and allow you to ‘step back’ comfortably, even as the confrontation continues outside of you or in your head.

There is a way to be trained to do this through simulated practice. In this training session you learn a new way of using EFT to immunize yourself so you no longer experience the negative effects of events in your life.  This training session is different from any that Dr. Carrington has previously given because of the “real life” simulations that are used and the new ‘EFT Immunization’ process.

During this class, you will learn to triumph over circumstances and bring ease to your day whenever you need it.


$37.00 $15.00


Overcome Self-Blame Using EFT

Overcome Self Blame Audio TrainingProduct by Dr. Patricia Carrington

(Formerly entitled "A New Way to Overcome Self Blame Using EFT #38)

This audio training class uses an exciting approach to EFT that works to allow one’s inner “EFT Voice” to overpower the inner voice of Self Blame, right while you are blaming yourself –– on-the-spot.  It can be dramatically effective in turning around your mood and outlook.

You can replay the audio training session as often as you want to train yourself to counter the harsh inner critic within yourself and become far more effective.

The e-Book, "I Made a Mistake: An EFT Tap-Along Using the Choices Method" addresses a universal problem – the tendency we all have to attack ourselves if we momentarily fail to live up to the standards of behavior we have been taught.

Actually, there is nobody I know of in civilized society today who is not burdened by this kind of irrational self blame at times – and for many this is the case much of the time.

And, under the heading of “self blame” there is no type of blame more frequent than when a person perceives that they have made a MISTAKE. 

Blaming yourself for your mistakes is the topic of my brand new e-book and is also addressed by portions of my important audio on this subject.

What I have created is a broad-based, multi-component tapping approach which can nip this unfortunate tendency in the bud, time after time if necessary.



















EFT for Learning Challenges (Article)

By Dr. Patricia Carrington

Those of you who read my article about Martin, the Web designer who overcame a block to learning an essential computer language, JAVA, by using EFT, will be interested to hear what is happening with him now.   Even if you didn't read this article, however, you may well be interested in hearing how we handled the next obstacle that came up for him in his saga of computer training. 


When Single Parenting Worries Keep You Awake (Article)

By Dr.

Some time ago, a single mother wrote me. She said, “I can go to bed and be extremely tired, but I lay there, and my brain does not shut down, and I cannot get to sleep for hours.  I have been this way most of my life, but especially the last 12 years as a single parent.  Now with a 16 year old boy and a 19 year old daughter, I find I lay there playing back things said, or things thought about, or the possibilities of what could or could not happen.  Meanwhile, I am not getting the sleep I need and therefore am not much help to my children because I am often exhausted.  Is there a way I can use EFT to shut down my thinking patterns at night?”


Conquering the Need for Perfection (Audio)

Conquering the Need for Perfection

(Teleseminar #15)

Thinking that you must be without flaws, make no mistakes, be beyond criticism, was handed down to many of us from our parents, our school, or from other mentors or role models, and we absorbed the idea that we must get a grade of 100% in everything we do. Unfortunately we also learned that failing to get 100% is a disgrace, something to be ashamed of and to conceal.

However, as every trained athlete knows, mistakes are there to be handled and are an important part of the game. In this deeply freeing teleseminar, Dr. Carrington leads you through tapping exercises designed to loosen the grip of our relentless need to be "perfect." You will now become free to move swiftly and confidently into entirely new endeavors. Your success will no longer be hampered by the need to appear perfect and you will feel the freedom this brings almost instantly.




Secrets of Tapping for Self-Worth (Free Download)

Our sense of self worth is elusive, hidden from us much of the time. What creates it? What is presently blocking it from becoming much stronger? In this 90 minute teleseminar, I lead you in tapping to create a new and powerful sense of self worth. Here you will tackle the hidden self-condemnations that lurk in the back of your mind while at the same time enhancing your sense of being a truly worthwhile person.


 Dr. 's "2-part audio, Tapping for Self-Worth" Tapping Class

(Give them a few seconds to load)

Click Arrow to Play Part 1


Click Arrow to Play Part 2














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By Dr. Patricia Carrington

This book takes you to the next level after the movie and also provides a highly effective way of presenting EFT to newcomers and giving authoritative information to skeptics. It makes an outstanding "spread the word on EFT" gift, bringing the wonder of EFT right into the home  The book is a beautiful hardcover, with 225 pages.



How to use EFT for Self-Kindness (Article)

By Dr.

One of the things I love to do is read what others are writing about EFT — or listen to audios or see videos where others present new ideas on how to use EFT. I often then build on these ideas to create new EFT choices statements or Tap Alongs using them. It’s like hunting for buried treasure and finding it!

One of my favorite teleseminars that I have created is called



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