reduce stress

Conquering the Need for Perfection (Audio)

Conquering the Need for Perfection(Teleseminar #15)

Thinking that you must be without flaws, make no mistakes, be beyond criticism, was handed down to many of us from our parents, our school, or from other mentors or role models, and we absorbed the idea that we must get a grade of 100% in everything we do. Unfortunately we also learned that failing to get 100% is a disgrace, something to be ashamed of and to conceal.

However, as every trained athlete knows, mistakes are there to be handled and are an important part of the game. In this deeply freeing teleseminar, Dr. Carrington leads you through tapping exercises designed to loosen the grip of our relentless need to be "perfect." You will now become free to move swiftly and confidently into entirely new endeavors. Your success will no longer be hampered by the need to appear perfect and you will feel the freedom this brings almost instantly.


