Home » EFT for Anger Issues
Tap Away Anger (Free Download)
Anger is an insidious emotion because it has a way of “justifying” itself so effectively that it almost seems “wrong” to want to tap it away. It tends to cling to us and resist any interference. In this excellent little e-Book EFT Master Lindsay Kenny skillfully addresses the very common problem of not wanting to let go of our anger. If you are caught up in the sweep of angry feelings and want to experience the relief of clearing it, this book can help to free you.
Download Tap Away Anger PDF
Immunize Yourself Against Major Conflict
EFT can be used with great success right on the spot – even during a difficult challenge - to deflect the power of a verbal assault or of your own negative thoughts and allow you to ‘step back’ comfortably, even as the confrontation continues outside of you or in your head.
There is a way to be trained to do this through simulated practice. In this training session you learn a new way of using EFT to immunize yourself so you no longer experience the negative effects of events in your life. This training session is different from any that Dr. Carrington has previously given because of the “real life” simulations that are used and the new ‘EFT Immunization’ process.
During this class, you will learn to triumph over circumstances and bring ease to your day whenever you need it.