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What is Meditation?

Meditation has often been called the "ageless practice." It has its origins early in the history of the human race, probably being used by countless humans long before there was in a written language that could describe it.

The experience that underlies it — the meditative mood — is familiar to all of us, although the formal practice of meditation is one that needs to be learned through instruction or imitation.


Dr. Carrington’s Professional Credentials

Recent Academic Appointments:

Associate Clinical Professor: UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Piscataway, New Jersey (1984 through present).

Lecturer, Faculty Member; Department of Psychology, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ (1972 -1983).


32 research papers in professional journals; four books in the stress management and self-development fields (publishers: Doubleday, William Morrow, Element Books, and Harper-Collins,).

Positions Relevant to Energy Psychology and Meditation

Administrative Director: Company-wide Stress Management Program; Medical Department, New York Telephone (1979 -1984).

Originator: Clinically Standardized Meditation (CSM)

Originator: EFT Choices Method


American Psychological Association
Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy
Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology
Association for the Psycho-Physiological Study of Sleep
Eastern Psychological Association
New Jersey Psychological Association


Co-recipient, with Medical Department, New York Telephone, of the National Mental Health Association Award for the Outstanding Preventive Health Program of the Year (1983)

Citation of Honor: Training Institute for Mental Health Practitioners. New York, N.Y. (1980).

ACEP Award for Research in Energy Psychology

Life-Time Achievement Award for Tapping Excellence (2012)

Background in Energy Psychology

Chairperson: Research Committee, Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP) (1999 – 2001)

Contributing Editor: Gary Craig’s EFT Email List (2000-2007)

Co-presenter with Gary Craig at selected EFT workshops (1998-2003)

Editor: “Meridian Tapping Times” newsletter, the most widely subscribed to EFT newsletter except that of Gary Craig (2001 through present)

Originator of the EFT Choices Method, advanced EFT technique presently used by EFT therapist worldwide

Co-author of the first research study dealing with EFT to be published in a major scientific journal and three research studies in EFT now in progress.


Brief Bio of Dr. Carrington

Dr. Carrington's Philosophy of Therapy

Professional Publications


Professional Publications

Dr. Carrington's Professional Publications

Patricia Carrington, Ph.D.

(In chronological order – earliest to most recent)


Using Personal Resource States in EFT (Article)

I am increasingly impressed with the effectiveness of using what are called "Personal Resource States;" a Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) term and concept, with EFT. The result can be excellent. By accessing personal resource states and inserting them into the set-up and reminder phrases of EFT, we can often make breakthroughs that might otherwise not be possible.


Will Illness Respond to EFT?

Here, I will address the most frequent question that is asked of me by the many people.  They want to know whether EFT can be used for one or another specific medical condition that they themselves suffer from or that someone close to them does.

Very often people write to ask me whether EFT can be helpful for a specific physical condition, often it is a serious one.  Many of the conditions they mention are so rare that, not being a medical doctor, I may not have even heard of them, however, their questions are legitimate ones.  The only trouble is that they are futile.


General Questions

General Questions:

  • What does "EFT" stand for?
  • How can I know if it’s really EFT that’s helping me?
  • EFT works so rapidly, how can it be effective?
  • Does EFT have lasting effects?
  • Will EFT prevent me from having insight into my problems?
  • Can EFT be used to achieve positive goals as well as solve problems?
  • Does EFT sometimes fail?
  • Does a fear sometimes recur when a person confronts the actual situation?
  • Can EFT take away too much fear and leave me without proper caution?
  • Is EFT just a form of distraction?
  • Will EFT take away healthy normal grief?
  • Will Illness Respond to EFT?

Should I attempt EFT to solve my problem on my own, or seek an EFT professional?

Question: At what point should one consider working with a professional trained in EFT, rather than attempting to solve a problem on one's own.  I'm beginning to thing that working with a professional might be less frustrating than trying to deal with all the aspects on my own and might enable me to progress more quickly.

Answer: If a series of aspects seems so overwhelming to you that you don't know how to proceed (as is happening with you), this may well be a signal that you need someone else's perspective –– outside help from a very experienced person.


We all have things that we feel sufficiently uncomfortable about so they simply do not come to our minds when we're working alone.  No matter how conscientious we are about applying the method, we bury them from our own sight.  However, a professional working with us can help us to gently and safely confront some of the areas in our lives which we may presently be avoiding (without having any awareness of doing so). 


If you are looking for a therapist trained in EFT to work with you on this issue, you may want to opt to do EFT by telephone, although of course this depends upon where you live.  Telephone EFT sessions are probably more often conducted now than in-person sessions because of the far-flung locations of many EFT practitioners.  You can download our free e-book on Guidelines for Finding an EFT Practitioner and browse our list of EFT Practitioners.


Dr. Patricia Carrington, EFT Master


Is it possible to do too much EFT in a day?

This question is an unusually challenging one and I will try to summarize the quite lengthy e-mail inquiry so you can know all that is involved.

This reader's inquiry addresses not only the question you see in the title above ––  whether one can actually overdo EFT –– but is an example of how easily more fundamental considerations can be covered up by more surface ones.  As you will see, the woman who wrote this presents us with a more serious and deep seated question which emerges as she tells her story.

She describes herself as suffering from DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder), a condition formerly known as "split personality" in which various sub-personalities or "alters" are split off or "dissociated" from the main personality.  It is a seriously disabling condition in which often one sub-personality does not know what the others are doing.

Our reader describes herself as being fragmented in many directions, having many alters or sub- personalities.  She has been working diligently with a therapist to help bring together these many fragmented parts of herself, although at times this has seemed to her to be an almost hopeless endeavor.

Like so many people who suffer from DID, she was severely abused in childhood.  She is a ritual abuse survivor who is hoping that EFT, which she has been using on her own for some time now, will help her deal with her painful memories.  Fortunately it has been doing that to some extent, but she finds that even the use of EFT (although it seems to help clear certain feelings) AFTERWARDS results in painful emotions, disturbing memories of the ritual abuse and often uncontrollable crying.  She relates that she has tried the Tearless Trauma Technique but that it hasn't worked for her. However, she describes her crying reaction as "just part of the grieving, it just has to be done is how I see it."

It appears that agonizing tears and grieving is, in fact, a continuing part of her life.  She reports being re-traumatized by "poor therapy" in the past, where she was told to get all her painful memories out and that the more she remembered them the faster she would heal, but in fact the opposite happened.  Over the course of the 13 years in which she was in this form of therapy and constantly recalled the agony of her childhood, the main result was that she developed severe phobias and panic attacks because of the terrifying memories that were NOW shared with the whole system and no longer locked away in little compartments of her personality.

She writes that since she started doing trauma work she has been told that "it is a painful journey and that you have to get through the pain to get the healing, and you have to do this over and over again".  She also says that everyone she knows who suffers from DID (she belongs to a DID support group) has had this "really drummed into their heads" and are suffering through a lot of pain now, whether in or out of therapy.

Obviously this woman's question has many aspects to it.  Here is my response:


Should every aspect of a complex issue be tapped down?

Question: You mentioned on your videotape that when there are multiple Aspects to a problem, each Aspect will need to be tapped down individually.  While that sounds fine in theory, if this is a complicated problem that could take a lifetime!

Answer: You’re right but fortunately though it doesn’t work that way.  What happens is more like the effect of knocking a single domino down in a row of dominos.  You knock one of them down, it knocks the next one down, and it the next, until the whole row has toppled and a ripple effect has started. 


When we use EFT on an issue that has many aspects– let’s say prolonged childhood abuse — the first few experiences that are recalled will certainly have to be individually tapped down using the EFT protocol.  However, after that, the person may suddenly find that many, many other traumatic situations which have a similarity to the ones that have already been tapped down, have lost their “charge” and are now much easier to handle.  They seem to have become neutralized by association with the other traumatic memories. 


Gary Craig calls this phenomenon the “forest-trees” effect and speaks about it in his work with Vietnam veterans suffering from multiple traumas incurred during wartime.  He discovered that reducing ten or more such traumas by having the person work individually with EFT on each one of them often resulted in this having a beneficial effect on many other instances of wartime trauma encountered by that person.  This is extremely encouraging because it means we don’t have to ferret out and treat every instance in most cases.

Dr. Patricia Carrington, EFT Master

Can there be too many aspects?

Question: I have suffered from a fear of speaking and reading aloud in public for many years. One of the problems I've had with using EFT to treat these fears is that I can think of so many aspects to each problem that I become overwhelmed and don't know where to start. For example, some of the aspects for the public speaking include: fear of people staring at me, fear of being trapped, fear of embarrassing myself, fear of voice shaking, fear of being unable to express my thoughts clearly, fear of mind going blank, anger at father for not listening to me, etc.

Answer:  Whenever there are multiple aspects and you are uncertain where to start, a good rule of thumb is to start with the earliest memory about the issue and deal with that first.  It may be back of much of the problem and clearing it can, at times, dispense with the entire difficulty.  You indicate that you have anger at your father for not listening to you, so I suggest that you target this memory first.

If you do so, however, don't expect that this will necessarily be a simple matter.  It is likely that the difficulty that you experienced when your father didn't listen to you (perhaps this happened many times in your childhood?) will have a number of aspects of its own, each of which will have to be addressed in turn.



Does every single aspect of a complex issue have to be tapped down for that issue to clear?

Question: You mentioned on your videotape that when there are multiple Aspects to a problem, each Aspect will need to be tapped down individually. While that sounds fine in theory, if this is a complicated problem that could take a lifetime!


Will EFT take away healthy normal grief?

QUESTIONMy husband's father is on the verge of dying from cancer. My husband and I are both new to EFT (we're in our early 30's) and he is concerned that he won't like not feeling the pain of his father's death. He wants to feel it, not in an incapacitating way but in a human way. Would EFT make him feel hollow or emotionless at his father's death? Would he 'not feel' the sadness? Could he undo the treatment if he didn't like it?

ANSWER:  Actually, yours is a question which can be answered with a good deal of clinical evidence to back it up.  I have often been asked whether EFT will take away from a person a response that is healthy, normal, and desirable.  People are frequently concerned, for example, that if EFT removes their fear of heights, they may then recklessly walk on the edge of cliffs without appropriate safeguards in place.  In other words, they are afraid they will lose intelligent caution because they have tapped away their irrational fear.  

However, as Gary Craig has pointed out many times this is not what happens.  EFT never takes away a response that is useful for the system.  With respect to your father-in-law's impending death and your husband's natural wish and need to feel, as any caring son would, the impact of the loss and the emotional meaning of the transition — – I can say with great certainty from my experience with EFT in situations somewhat similar to this, that EFT will not take away these desirable human responses.

So, I would like to suggest to you some ways in which EFT might be used, not only to support your husband during this difficult time, but also to enrich the meaning of your father-in-law's passing for all concerned — including, quite possibly, for your father-in-law himself.

Here are some EFT Choices which your husband may want to incorporate when he taps for this situation.  If you do not know about the EFT Choices Method (on which these recommendations are based) you may might want to read Chapters 11 and 12 of my Choices Manual which talks about the use of Choices in times of disaster.  While yours is not a natural disaster as described in the manual, it represents a shock to the family.  Impending death and loss of a close family member is a challenge to anyone, and many of the Choices suggested in the manual for use with such extremely difficult circumstances as those of September 11th, for example, should help your husband, yourself, and other family members, in this transitional period.

My advice here, however, depends upon the particular issues with regard to your father-in-law that concern your husband.  A number of possible issues come to my mind which might apply under circumstances like this. Such as…


Is EFT just a form of distraction?

Is EFT just a form of distraction?

QUESTIONWhat about the possibility that it’s just distraction that makes EFT work?  It is distracting to tap and say those phrases?

ANSWER:  There may well be a distraction element in EFT, but we know from experience as well as research that distraction alone does not create the kind of solid, long lasting effects that we so often see following learning of EFT.

     For example, if you distract a child or puppy from something that is bothering them, this particular event or person may not bother them later providing they happen to forget about it.  But suppose that child or puppy (or it could be an adult for that matter) has an ongoing problem, such as a fear of spiders that they have had all their life.  You simply can’t distract a person from a fear such as this more than momentarily, that fear will simply snap right back in place.  But the opposite happens with EFT, if the method is applied correctly with all relevant Aspects addressed, the problem is usually gone permanently.

     Another point to think about is that in EFT, the Reminder phrase, which you repeat at every tapping point, focuses your attention on your problem, rather than distracting you from it.  You keep repeating words which bring back the problem to your mind over and over again as you tap.  This suggests that it cannot be a distraction effect or at least not a type of distraction which is similar to any that we have seen previously.

Do other people have these kinds of doubts?

Yes. Some people don’t know whether EFT is the agent that is helping them and they may then conclude that it is not the cause of their feeling better. 


Can EFT take away too much fear and leave me without proper caution?

QUESTIONIf I get over my fear of heights by using EFT, will I tend to go near the edge of a dangerous precipice or an open window and lean out too far?  Isn’t fear self-protective?

ANSWER:  Fear is self-protective and a necessary part of life, but that useful part of fear is never lost through EFT.  What EFT takes away is unreasoning fear and panic, and this leaves you much better able to cope with any difficult or even dangerous situation.  Panic disorganizes us and clouds our thinking.  Calmly focusing on the danger, as occurs after we rid ourselves of the irrational fear, allows us to be at our very best and cope with the danger most effectively.

EFT Master, Dr. Patricia Carrington

Does a fear sometimes recur when a person confronts the actual situation?

QUESTIONI am wondering about the difference between thinking about something and having your fears reduced to 0, and actually going out and confronting the object of your fear. I noticed that on your videotape, you told about peoples’ anxiety sometimes coming back again when they had to fact the real life situation.

ANSWER:  Anxiety can often rise slightly when the person confronts the actual situation again because there are often other Aspects that are evident in the actual situation, which were not there in the imagining of it.  Gary Craig gives an excellent example of this in his manual.  He describes a woman whose fear of spiders was reduced to 0 while she was just thinking about them.  Often, of course, this is enough and the fear stays at 0 even when the person is confronted with a real spider.  But to make sure, the person working with her, took this woman to a pet store to see a Tarantula.  The woman became very fearful when she saw the real spider and ran crying out of the store.  This was not the fault of the first round of EFT.  Rather it was an indication that the real spider brought up new aspects of the fear that weren’t present when just the thought of spiders was going on. 

After a few more minutes with EFT, this woman went back into the pet store and calmly viewed the Tarantula.  Her fear was gone.  Such aspects as a moving spider (rather than a stationery one) or the hairiness of the spider, or its darting motions, might not have been anticipated when imagining it, but when she actually saw the spider, these Aspects caused enough trouble they needed to be tapped down in their own right.  It is not necessary always to know what the Aspects are that are being tapped down, but further tapping can be required when you get into the actual situation. It may not be needed after that, however.

Interestingly, in the above example, a few days later this woman called the therapist who had worked with her to report that she was at a friend’s house who owned a pet Tarantula (it had been surgically rendered harmless). She said they took the spider out of the cage, and this woman let it crawl on her.

This is a most interesting example of the power of a technique such as EFT.  Even people without a noticeable fear of spiders are unlikely to easily let a Tarantula crawl on them, even if it is no longer dangerous, but this woman was perfectly relaxed about it.  She now had even less fear than the normal everyday citizen.  It should be noted however that EFT does not make people careless or allow them to lose their own self-protective impulses.  This woman would not have let the spider crawl on her if it was indeed dangerous.  EFT removes the irrational portion of phobic fears, but does not reduce normal caution.

EFT Master, Dr. Patricia Carrington


Does EFT sometimes fail?

QUESTIONIn those cases where EFT seems not to be working, what reason, other than hidden Aspects, can be an explanation for this?

ANSWER:  EFT will not work if a person is affected by an allergy like reactions, which is referred to as the effect of “energy toxins”.  This is a new branch of health science which no doubt will become much better known in the future.  In effect, for some people, things they eat, drink, breathe or come in contact with become “irritants” to their energy systems.  They are thrown off balance because of these.  These irritants or “energy toxins” serve to interfere with the balancing effects of EFT.  As long as they are present, EFT (or most any other type of healing) will be handicapped.

Different energy toxins affect different people in different ways, and there is no standard list that everyone must avoid.  Some people are affected by tobacco, while peaches or hand lotion affects others.  An excellent handbook for handling these allergy-like reactions and their surprising consequences in everyday life has been written by an expert in this field, Sandi Radomski, who employs EFT among other techniques, to deal with these energy toxins.  Her work is extremely useful for anyone wishing to apply EFT to allergy like reactions, and often an eye opener.

Learn more about Sandi Radomski’s method of handling these allergy like reactions, or "Allergy Antidotes."


EFT Master, Dr. Patricia Carrington

Introducing the Choices Method

by Patricia Carrington, Ph.D.

Any truly effective method of treatment needs to expand its horizons as it goes along.  EFT is a remarkable stress management technique, and even more than that, it is a way of handling emotional problems that people may have had for their entire lives –– and can often do so quickly and permanently.  I have many times spoken about the way in which EFT revolutionized my own practice as a clinical psychologist, and how to this day it continues to do so.

However, a major technique such as EFT must move to the next step in its development, and it can only do this when we note its limitations and seek to correct them…


Can EFT be used to achieve positive goals as well as solve problems?


QUESTIONYou speak about the kinds of problems that EFT can deal with.  What about positive goals that a person might, for instance improvement in some kind of performance?

ANSWER:  Gary Craig points out that as any accomplished athlete will tell you, mental set is critical to performance.  He says this about EFT’s use for athletics, for example:

“The difference between good days and bad days for the athlete is almost always due to emotional causes.  Of course, sickness or injury can take their toll, but to a remarkable extent the athlete always brings the same highly skilled, highly trained body into the field of battle.  The only thing that changes regularly, and it does do so, is the effect that emotions have on the body.

Since in athletics timing is everything, and even the slightest tension in the muscles affects timing, and hitting a baseball or tennis ball or golf ball requires perfect timing, if one is off by just an eighth of an inch it can be the difference between hitting a home run and flying out, or hitting a killer serve or one that hits the net, or making or missing a put in golf. 

This is the reason why sports psychologists are in such great demand.  It is well known that any negative emotion, even the mildest one, and even one that the person is not totally conscious of, or not conscious of at all, can be absolutely critical to a person’s performance.

EFT provides a remarkably effective solution to this problem.  Since its purpose is to neutralize negative emotions and their effects, one of the most common responses to it is that people feel a relaxation of tension in their muscles, in fact, in their whole bodies.  For the athlete this neutralizes the tensing of the muscle groups that are not necessary for the activity at hand, and leaves the rest of their athletic ability and their musculature intact and able to perform at peak levels.  It allows their potential for excellence to flow through their body without being hindered by any resistance in the muscles. The results can often be dramatic.”

EFT Master, Dr. Patricia Carrington


Will EFT prevent me from having insights into my problems?

QUESTIONI’m the kind of person who likes to understand why my problems arose in the first place.  I just can’t tap on problems and have them leave without first having this kind of understanding.  How does EFT address this important need?

ANSWER:  Actually, during EFT a shift in your understanding of your problem will often occur simultaneously with the relief you feel from tapping on that problem.  I have seen people experience remarkable insights after only one or two rounds of tapping.  This doesn’t happen to everybody of course, but not everyone is either prone to having insights or even interested in having them.  But the fact is that many people experience a remarkable shift in perspective during EFT, and talking about that shift, when it happens, can then be extremely valuable. 

There is no contradiction, as I see it, between EFT and conventional therapy which uses talking about problems and understanding them as its basis.  EFT actually augments psychotherapy when it is used with it.  Not only does it speed it up, but it can greatly deepen it, allowing a person to become so at ease with their problems that they can face portions of them which were previously too painful to look at.  As a psychologist who was trained in conventional forms of therapy using talk and understanding, I find that the EFT process assists the kind of understanding that we all seek.   

You will often notice that what happens when you use EFT is that your response to your problem soon changes remarkably.  If you have gone down to a 0 or near 0 on the Intensity Scale, your understanding of your problem will often be shifting right along with the relief you feel, and you will get an “ah-hah” experience that is extremely valuable. 

EFT Master, Dr. Patricia Carrington

Does EFT have lasting effects?

Does EFT have lasting effects?

QUESTIONDo the effects of EFT last or are they just around for a while and then wear off as most suggestion techniques do?

ANSWER:  Again let me quote Gary Craig on this question.  He writes as follows. 

“EFT’s results are usually permanent.

The case histories (seen in Gary Craig’s course and those reported by many others) are filled with reports of people who have had lasting results…even though the problem was relieved in moments.  This is still more evidence that EFT is addressing the true cause of the problem.  Otherwise, the remedy would not be so long lasting.

Please remember, however, that EFT doesn’t do everything for everyone.  Some problems seem to reappear and that is usually caused by different ASPECTS of the original problem showing up at a later time.  The experienced student of EFT will recognize this and simply reapply the method to this new aspect.  In time, after all aspects have been addressed, the problem usually goes away completely and does not return.  Sometimes the cause of reappearing problems is due to ‘various physical causes’ such a ‘energy toxins’, a phenomena discussed elsewhere.”

EFT Master, Dr. Patricia Carrington


EFT works so rapidly, how can it be effective?

QUESTIONEFT works so rapidly that it sometimes makes me feel almost uneasy.  How can you get really good results that quickly for something that has been around for most of a person’s life?

ANSWER:  One of the best responses I have heard to this question is given by Gary Craig in the manual for his extensive basic training series in EFT.  He writes as follows: 


How can I know if it’s really EFT that’s helping me?

QUESTIONI’m wondering if the good results I’m seeing in my life, since I’ve commenced using EFT, really come from using EFT.  I can think of other explanations for them — maybe the method just distracted me from my problems, or maybe all the years of therapy I had for those problems finally paid off, all at once.  How can I know?

ANSWER:  There’s no way you can know for certain that EFT has brought about any particular change, but this same thing can be said of any effective form of therapy and even of certain medicines.  It’s often hard to trace what really causes a given result.  That’s why controlled research is so important — that is research in which one group of people are exposed to a condition such as EFT and another group to a completely different treatment or to none at all, and the results compared.  By carefully varying the types of treatment that are given in this way, we can begin to see what works and what doesn’t work for specific problems. Some important research has been done and more is now underway demonstrating that EFT does, in fact, have the effect of greatly reducing many fears. These results are statistically significant so there is almost no possibility they could be due to chance alone.

EFT Master, Dr. Patricia Carrington

EFT Choices Manual


The Choices Training Manual teaches you the widely accepted Choices Method to create breakthroughs in your life (or that of others) that were previously impossible using only basic EFT. The Choices Method introduces POSITIVE thoughts, ideas, and concepts into EFT that you would not find there before…..and by doing so opens up a host of new possibilities for your life.

In this vital manual you will learn:

$24.70 Hard copy – $19.95 Download



Learn the EFT Choices Method, by Dr. Patricia Carrington, EFT MasterPat Carrington’s world renowned Choices Method has changed EFT from a strictly remedial method to a positive and inspiring one. The EFT Choices Method was born as a result of Dr. Carrington's experimention with her own clients.  During the use of it, the person applying the method identifies the outcome that they would truly like to have for the problem at hand, and then puts this desired outcome into a statement that commences with the words “I choose…”


Regular Price $84.95




Multiply the Power of EFT

52 New Ways to Use EFT That Most People Don't Know About

Multiply the Power of EFT, by Dr. Patricia CarringtonThis book exists because EFT has not reached its full potential and you and I  are probably both vastly under using it.

On a practical level, there are two aspects to this book – understanding the new uses of EFT that are offered, and applying them – allowing you to begin to continually expand your use of EFT.

Multiply the Power of EFT (303 pages) provides a host of Dr. Carrington's power-packed suggestions never before revealed on how to use EFT/Meridian Tapping in everyday life and apply it to many different circumstances in your life. You will find it to be a treasure trove of ideas, thought-provoking insights and inspiration.

"This beautifully illustrated book is an eye-opener for anyone who values EFT."
Carol Look, EFT Master


Claude Improves His Fishing (Article)

By Dr. Patricia Carrington

On the subject of using EFT “for everything” (Gary Craig’s oft-repeated advice), I would like to report an unusual effect of this technique, which was shared with me by Hank Krol, a counselor at Stairways Behavioral Health, an outpatient mental health clinic in Erie, Pennsylvania that deals with severely disturbed patients.


Combining Modern Meditation with EFT (Article)

By Patricia Carrington

Recently, I met up with someone who was familiar with my training methods and writings on meditation, and who asked me, naively, “Why did you leave meditation for EFT? Do you think EFT is that much better?”


Biography of Dr. Carrington

Dr. Patricia Carrington is a leading psychologist and pioneer in Energy Psychology and Modern Meditation. She is a widely acclaimed author, researcher, and innovator in energy-related self-development methods, and one of a handful of EFT Practitioners worldwide to have earned the designation of Founding EFT Master from EFT’s originator, Gary Craig.

“Pat” is well known for her Choices Method, which is now used worldwide, because it introduces a much more targeted and positively directed element into the standard EFT protocol. Her audios and books have led the way in her field by introducing innovations and cutting edge variations of both EFT and meditation to many thousands of people.

Her acclaimed teleseminar series has led the field by extending the reach of Meridian Tapping to include personal growth and spiritual elements not originally present in standard EFT. She also hosts this site, one of the most widely visited websites in this field, and publishes an extremely popular content-rich online newsletter (The Meridian Tapping Times).


Dr. Carrington's Philosophy of Therapy

Professional Credentials

Professional Publications


Dr. Carrington’s Philosophy of Therapy

How Dr. Carrington Sees Her Work and Energy Therapy

Dr. Carrington (left) talks with a client (right) who has just overcome a lifelong fear of snakes.


“To me energy therapy is a meeting of people on an unusual and profound level, whether it is conducted in person, over the telephone, at a workshop, or anywhere else.

The meeting may be short — but it is always a contact-at-the-core. Therapy is a special space that both of us, or perhaps many of us, enter into together. From it comes an experience that is far more than the technique used to elicit it, the method followed, formal credentials, or in fact, anything else.

In my professional contacts with prospective clients, students, or supervises, I select people to work with on the basis of several questions I pose to myself as the person describes their goals — Is this person open to change on a level that may be deeper than any they have experienced before? Are they really ready for it? And — is it in their best interests to work with me, or might another therapist (teacher, supervisor etc.) be of more help to them?

Using the remarkable ability of energy psychology to effect rapid and profound change, together we often achieve a dramatic reduction of symptoms and this is of the greatest importance, but it is not my major goal when doing therapy, or when teaching others about it. I work with people because I respect and love people and just naturally want to help them. From my point of view, every contact with a client is a healing experience for both the client and myself, an exploration of our human connectedness, as is every contact with a student or colleague. I am therefore not very technical in approach because I see life as too important for a lot of formalities, and people as too real for that. I approach my task hoping I will be of some help in improving our lives on this earth -that is it.”


Patricia Carrington, Ph.D.


Brief Bio of Dr. Carrington

Professional Credentials

Professional Publications