Tap-Along with Tappy Songs for Children – DVD/CD Album

Tap Along with Tappy Instruction and Songs DVD/CD

A first of its kind for children, this Album introduces EFT to the child in a heartwarming and playful way. Created by EFT Master, Dr. Patricia Carrington, it gives you a unique opportunity to share the EFT Tapping process with your child and get them started using EFT with excitement and enthusiasm right away.

This Album contains a DVD, a CD, and a full Instruction booklet, that together skillfully:

· Introduces the child to EFT and its concepts

· Explain the process in a fun way.

· Shows the Tapping points to the child with the help of a loveable stuffed bear “role model” named Tappy

· Uses songs and lyrics to get the child to Tap along.

· Provides adults with helpful resources and instructions on using the album for children.


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