TeleClearing for Allergies – Event

I'm excited – partly for you and partly for me because I myself have some troublesome summer allergies and am eagerly awaiting an astonishing program that is coming our way next week over the Internet.

Let me back up a bit and tell you the story behind this program

Some of you already know of Sandi Radomski, the leading energy psychology practitioner and naturopathic physician who specializes in the use of energy psychology methods for treating allergies. I have interviewed Sandi online on several occasions and her presentations on this subject have always created excitement among those who listened.

Even if you are not yet acquainted with Sandi, you will no doubt be interested in what she and her cofounder, Tom Altaffer (they are the pair who created the powerful Ask & Receive method) are offering in the way of effective online help for allergy sufferers.



Recently, Sandi was concluding a workshop she was giving on allergies at a major energy psychology conference in San Diego, California.

She had been working with a group of attendees who wanted to clear their allergies using her new methods, and had been applying her low intensity laser technique and other energy-related methods to individuals in on stage demonstrations.

The time was almost at an end for the workshop but there were still a number of people who wanted to experience the Ask & Receive technique applied to allergies because Sandi had told them how effective this can be. However, there was only 10 minutes left in which to demonstrate this use and it was Sandi's wish that everyone in the room could benefit  from a demonstration in just that short time. What to do?


Necessity is the Mother of Invention!

Sandi decided then and there that she would do something she had never done before – it would be to treat the entire room of about 80 people at the same time so that everyone present would have a chance to experience the healing simultaneously.

In addition, she made a decision to treat the entire audience for an allergy to Magnesium, whether they thought they had an allergy to that substance or not. Magnesium is a very common nutrient that can cause allergic reactions to occur from even "healthy" foods. An allergy to Magnesium is troublesome because this nutrient is important to have working in your body in order to calm the body. However, if you are allergic to magnesium, you will be unable to derive the important positive benefits it has to offer.


What Happened.

Most of the participants in the room possessed self-muscle testing skills and when they self-tested for Magnesium they discovered to their own surprise that their muscles went weak, indicating that they were experiencing an allergic reaction to this substance. Actually a sensitivity to this substance is very common among the general population.

Sandi then had the entire room repeat the Ask & Receive phrases after her as she pronounced  them – these phrases indicated to their body the fact that Magnesium is good for them. The group complied with her protocol and then muscle-tested themselves again to see if they still had a weak response to the word magnesium indicating that they were allergic to it.


The Results

The startling outcome of this experiment was that all 80 people in the room who were testing themselves now found that their muscles tested STRONG for magnesium, indicating that they no longer had an adverse reaction to this substance.

Sandi herself was surprised at this result and she reasoned that they were witnessing a group interaction on an energetic level. It is her belief that this clearing was assisted by having so many people focused on the same outcome (clearing of the magnesium allergy) at the same time.


What Happened Next?

Because Sandi is familiar with the powerful effects that doing Ask & Receive typically has over the telephone, she subsequently decided to take group clearing for allergies to another level by creating an online experience where an even larger group of people could join together to create an allergy clearing for each one of them.


Sandi and cofounder, Tom Altaffer, continued this experiment ONLINE  with a limited number of people.

In what they called "TeleClearingsTM" – scheduled one week apart – Sandi and Tom treated a group of online participants on Day #1 for common allergies that almost everyone has but does not realize that they have, to life sustaining substances in our world. A week later she treated these same people in a similar group setting for selected individual allergies of theirs.

The results were amazing…

Here are just a few of the comments they received following the online experiment. Because of the medical nature of the conditions involved I am reporting them anonymously but with the full permission of those who commented. Each separate testimonial is separated by a row of asterisks:

One thing I noticed, which I know can be affected by calcium absorption, is that my hair loss slowed to almost nothing. And the last thing was that as the week went on, the skin rash caused by my nickel allergy got better and better until my skin looked almost normal.


The second Allergy Teleclearing was REALLY interesting with the addition of the group consciousness working together.  I stepped into the group and was guided again to take another step into the human grid. It was so exciting!


I had not been able to tolerate magnesium supplements before – so far for 3 days I have been able to take them.


I felt some heavy shifts with water, Vitamin C, B- Vitamins and inside and outside air. I also felt the power of the great group work. I now find it much easier to drink water, which I didn't like much before!


I seem to be absorbing magnesium and B vitamins and C much better. 

With a bit of delight, since the second session I have been able to eat cheese, drink milk, and take a bit of homemade chocolate chip cookies! 


I have lost 3 pounds out of nowhere after listening to the 2nd session. I haven't changed anything.

In fact even when I tried to lose weight before I couldn't. So I'm hoping that the part of me that knows it'' safe to lose weight continues to tell the rest of me!


In the second session I had a profound experience with the group consciousness clearing. Amazing, really. I could feel everyone and all of the love, and intention for all of us to clear. I loved it!…. I now feel less allergic to pollen. J.F


I also want to reprint here an amazing letter I received this week from one of the participants in my teleseminars whom I had introduced to Sandi Radomski's work.  To read it click here.


Taking the Next Step

Due to the success of this online experiment, "TeleClearingTM for Allergies" is now going to be made available for YOU online. It will take place on two separate days beginning next week, because there are too many very common allergic substances to address in one session.

Now is your opportunity to get in on these TeleClearingsTM at an astonishingly reasonable price!

Here are the details:

The online series "TeleClearingTM for Allergies" will take place with

Dr. Sandi Radomski, ND, LCSW and Tom Altaffer, LCSW

Dates:  Thursday, August 9, & August 16, 2012
 U.S. Time: 8:00 pm Eastern time
                 7:00 pm Central time
                    6:00 pm Mountain time
                 5:00 pm Pacific time

What will happen if you join the group?

You will participate on the telephone or on your computer in the comfort of your own home, on two separate days. The founders of the Ask and Receive technique will lead you through a number of powerful processes to treat a group of common allergic substances. This will help you retrain your body's reactions so that each allergic substance will no longer have the same adverse impact on you.

What will it cost?

The cost of the series is – surprisingly – only $27 if you if you sign up within the next 5 days -with this Special ending at midnight on August  9th. This cost includes both weekly classes and you can reserve a "seat" right now.

Don't worry if you miss one of these live telecasts, a survey taken after the online series has shown that you will be able to benefit just as well from the group intention by listening to a replay. However, Sandi feels it is highly likely that the more people who come onto the telecast the more energy will accumulate at that time for the healing, so you may well want to be present for the actual telecast.

In short, although according to its founders Ask and Receive is based on the power of the word, now Sandi and Tom are adding the power of the GROUP.

I myself am eagerly awaiting my own participation in these two online sessions, and if you want to join the rest of us there it will cost you just $27 for admission.

Once your name is added to the participant list (when you register) the healing process will begin as part of you already contacts your inner wisdom on how to heal your allergies. 


To register click here


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