Overcome Self-Blame Audio & EBook

I feel as though I had written this new e-book
just for you and me.


Why does this e-book apply to all of us? 
Because it addresses a universal problem – the tendency we all have to attack ourselves if we momentarily fail to live up to the standards of behavior we have been taught.
Actually, there is nobody I know of in civilized society today who is not burdened by this kind of irrational self blame at times – and for many this is the case much of the time.
And, under the heading of “self blame” there is no type of blame more frequent than when a person perceives that they have made a MISTAKE. 
Blaming yourself for your mistakes is the topic of my brand new e-book and is also addressed by portions of my important audio on this subject.
What I have created is a broad-based, multi-component tapping approach which can nip this unfortunate tendency in the bud, time after time if necessary.
I am thrilled I can make the entire package available to you, temporarily, at an incredibly low price.
And if you don't need it for yourself right now, somebody else you know will – they may even be in your own family. 
To get this indispensable help at the extremely low price of just $7 for the 90-minute audio & e-book combination, you must place your order within the next seven days – by midnight on March 9, 2015
Delivery will be instant by electronic means.​
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Get the complete package:
Overcome Self Blame Audio, its transcript, and the I Made a Mistake EFT Tap-Along Using the Choices Method for $10 more!

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Overcome Self-blame Using EFT - Audio & EBook special, with Dr. Patricia Carrington

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