Tapping Away Your Hidden Resistance to Change

This tapping exercise, which accompanies this interview by Gene Monterastelli of Steve Wells, targets the topic of our hidden fears of change, the culprit behind so much of our procrastination and excuse-finding in life.

This topic is the most frequent cause of why we do not put into action what we really want to achieve.

Tapping Exercise:  Tapping Away Your Hidden Resistance to Change

Repeat the following sentence three times while tapping on the karate chop spot:

Even though this isn’t practical (possible, sensible etc.) I choose to welcome the excitement of CHANGE.

Now do Part 1 of the Choices Trio –  Tapping out the Negative.

Inner eyebrow:   I’d love to do this, but it isn’t practical.

Outer eye:   It flies in the face of common sense.

Under eye:   People will think I’m a fool if I do this!

Under nose:   I can’t possibly take a chance on something as “if-fy” as this.

Under mouth:   I’d love to do it but I can’t possibly findthe time.

Under arm:  Me do that?

Top of head: Other people can do it – not me.

Repeat Part 1 as many times as you need to until you feel at least somewhat more comfortable, less resistant to getting started on this task.

Before going on, take an easy breath in and let it out slowly.


Now do Part 2 of the Choices Trio, tapping in the positive.

Inner eyebrow:  I choose to feel the excitement of completely switching my direction.

Outer eye:  I choose to feel the thrill of unknown possibilities unfolding.

Under eye:  I choose to feel the aliveness of doing something completely new.

Under nose:  I choose to feel the exhilaration of “betting” on myself.

Under mouth:  I choose to relish the wonderful daydreams this suddenly brings into my mind.

Collarbone:  I choose to feel as though my goal is being reached right now this minute!

Under arm:  I choose to see the whole world in a new perspective as the goal unfolds in my mind.

Top of head:  I choose to have so much fun thinking about this that it pulls me irresistibly into action.

Take an easy breath in and let it out slowly.

Now do Part 3 of the choices trio which is alternating negative and positive statements at every other tapping point to train your mind to move towards the positive.

Inner eyebrow:  I’d love to do this, but it isn’t practical.

Outer eye:   I choose to welcome the excitement of CHANGE.

Under eye:  I’d love to do this, but it isn’t practical.

Under nose:   I choose to welcome the excitement of CHANGE.

Under mouth:  I’d love to do this, but it isn’t practical.

Collarbone:  I choose to welcome the excitement of CHANGE.

Under arm:  I’d love to do this, but it isn’t practical.

Top of head:   I choose to welcome the excitement of CHANGE.

Take an easy breath in and let it out slowly.

If you can do this tapping exercise daily you’re likely to feel a growing pull toward taking a chance on the unknown in life. This is the very thing that little children adore to do – you literally can’t stop them doing it – and that every adventurer in history has done – it is facing the unknown with a sense of exhilaration. This can pull you irresistibly into positive action and once you get going – watch out! You may very well be drawn to your goal!



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