At this point only a few people know how to use EFT/tapping correctly to facilitate the Law of Attraction. The tapping "snapshot" method is a powerful way to do this. Created by Dr. Carrington to help you attract exactly what you want, it can produce an about-face in your perspective on virtually any troubling issue. This shift can transform your energy radically with respect to whatever issue you are facing and provide you with the ability to attract what you want much more effectively. You will be "broadcasting" the same energy of joy and fulfillment that you want to attract! Dr. Carrington presents this unique method in a 75 minute audio that contains a complete description of this approach together with many compelling energy exercises and chances to “Borrow Benefits”..
How to Make EFT 'Snapshots Work for You (E-Book)
In this companion e-book to her EFT Snapshots Method audio, Dr. Carrington leads you step-by-step through a tapping session that converts a fear of not having enough money for your needs (or perhaps anger or despair because you do not have it) to a buoyant feeling of having just the support and help from money that you want. This method literally transports you into a future where more than enough money is your reality and this about-face can attract to you an entirely new financial future. In learning to use this method with your finances, you learn how to transform your mood and perspective on virtually any other issue where you may want to apply the Law of Attraction.
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