EFT On Animals

The application of EFT for animal’s problems is one of the most impressive of its uses.  To date thousands of animals have benefited from having their owners, trainers or veterinarians use EFT for otherwise insoluble behavior problems or physical distress.  The sensitivity with which these people have applied the method to their animals’ problems is truly admirable.  The accounts you will see below ––and these are only a small portion of the number of actual accounts on record of EFT’s use with animals–– are true life stories that attest to the devotion of human beings to their animal friends.

You will notice that in many instances the people involved use what is called “surrogate” (proxy) tapping, tapping on themselves while using the animal’s name. Strange as it may seem, this method of communicating with the animal and its problem is often startlingly effective.  I find that those who use EFT with animals divide roughly into two groups: one group taps physically on the corresponding meridian points on the animal's body, while the other group taps on themselves in a proxy fashion, pretending to be the animal.  Both approaches seem to be equally effective, it seems to be the belief system and comfort level of the person (or the circumstances of the problem) that determines which is chosen.   As you will see, the effects of using EFT on an animal are often dramatic.  I am enormously impressed by the potential of EFT in this area and would like to see it used worldwide for the majority of animals, both domestic and wild.  There is no telling how much suffering this could avert for both animals and their caring humans.


Although, using EFT for an animal does not always work, because it is so highly effective when it does, and is such a gentle and noninvasive technique, it would seem well worth trying in any case of animal distress. EFT is what I myself have used any time that I wanted to help an animal, and only once in all the times I’ve used it for this purpose has it failed to work.


  Patricia Carrington, Ph.D.


The following links are categorized by the species involved and how EFT can be used.


Blocked Urinary Tract in Cat is Unblocked

EFT successfully relieves a cat’s problem with urinary tract blockage, by Joanne Clodfelter.


Eye Infection and Tapeworms in a Cat

EFT completely clears up an eye infection in a cat and, as a side benefit eliminates her tapeworms, as well, Christine Cloutier.


Quelling a Cat Fight

A potentially fatal cat fight between two older jealous cats and two new kittens is stopped with EFT, Dr. Kiya L. Immergluck.


Aggressive Service Dog is Calmed

EFT is used by an owner who uses a wheelchair to successfully resolve aggression issues in her Service Dog, Cyndy Clay, MA, LMFT, CCH.


Animal Performance

Fear or anxiety in show horses and dogs after injury are reduced with surrogate EFT, by LaVaughn Hengst.


Dog Chews on Everything

Through some persistence, an animal communicator uses EFT to stop a dog from chewing on everything, by Laila del Monte.


Dog with Extreme Fear of Fireworks and Gun Shots

EFT completely eliminates a dog’s fear of fireworks and gun shots, which usually caused panic attacks in the dog, by Marina Bagley,  from New Zealand.


Separation Anxiety in a Dog  

A professional animal communicator uses EFT to discern core issues of a dog’s separation anxiety by Laila del Monte. 


Three Dogs, Three Problems Resolved

EFT is effectively used on three different dogs, for fear of fireworks, aggressive biting and a swollen paw, by Deborah Miller, Ph.D.


Toxic Reaction in a Dog

After finding relief from a toxic reaction to fertilizer with EFT, this dog owner also used EFT successfully on her dog that was experiencing the same allergic symptoms, by Cathleen Campbell.


Agitated Horse

An equine veterinarian uses EFT and mind pictures to calm an agitated horse that lost its piglet friend, by Angela Treat Lyon.


Animal Performance

Fear or anxiety in show horses and dogs after injury are reduced with surrogate EFT, LaVaughn Hengst.


Bucking Thoroughbred Gelding Calmed

Surrogate EFT and Surrogate Muscle Testing are successfully applied to stop a bucking problem in a horse, by Colleen Flanagan.


Choking Horse Saved

Surrogate EFT is successfully used on a choking horse, possibly saving its life and an expensive trip to the Vet, Diane Mathews.


EFT on Horses

Animal Acupuncturists explains how EFT can resolve issues like biting, kicking, bucking and throwing their riders, LaVaughn Hengst.


Fearful Horse is Calmed

Holistic animal healer uses EFT on the spot to successfully calm his frightened horse, LaVaughn Hengst.

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