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The Complete Meditation System
The award-winning Clinically Standardized Meditation (CSM) method is recognized by medical authorities and corporations worldwide for its effectiveness and extreme ease of use.
It's the major clinical meditation technique in the world today — so simple to learn that it can be mastered within one week of using the Learn to Meditate Kit.
The Complete Learn to Meditate System contains 8 downloadable training audios that consist of over 14 hours of guiding instruction from Dr. ; the same lessons used in the New York Telephone Company program, a download of the Learn to Meditate Manual and The Book of Meditation, Dr. Carrington's classic complete guide to modern meditation.
The Complete Meditation System
In the training audios, Dr. Carrington is your teacher and her voice provides a blend of authority, genuineness and warmth, which makes learning CSM a unique and powerful experience.
The Learn to Meditate Manual provides step-by-step instuction that includes:
- Highlighted sections of essential reading that introduces the basics of CSM.
- Evaluation questionnairres with accompanying advisory sheets to assist you in troubleshooting any difficulties or concerning experiences you might have.
- Additional material, such as evaluation charts and checklists, to help you keep track of your meditating experiences and improve your meditation practice, all of which be used as a valuable source of future reference, once you become an experienced meditator.
The Book of Meditation e-book (PDF) answers a host of questions not previously addressed by any other book and covers all aspects of the practice – such as the relevance of different techniques, the clinical uses of meditation and the psychological and physical effects – making it an invaluable guide for the beginner and experienced meditator alike.
The Complete Learn to Meditate System
Learn to Meditate Kit Only
DOWNLOAD $49.95 |
Book of Meditation E-Book DOWNLOAD $19.95