Home » Anxiety and Fears » Shed the Burden of Continuous Worry
Shed the Burden of Continuous Worry
Audio and E-Book: by Ph.D.
(Previously Entitled (“Erasing the Habit of Worrying” #13)
Now you can eliminate persistent worry that may be hampering your life and replace it with intelligent concern and highly effective planning by using the Shed the Burden of Continuous Worry quick-training package.
It includes:
Training Audio with special EFT exercises designed to silence your fear-based “worry thinking” in a way that Dr. Carrington has found to be extremely effective for herself, her clients, and many others.
Change Worry into Wonder E-Book, This impactful e-book presents a full in-depth tapping session which you can use for transforming the way you handle worry and the hidden fear that underlies it. Dr. Carrington shows you how to use her well-known EFT Choices Method of tapping to handle this problem by introducing a strong positive element into your EFT practice. This e-book is invaluable for those caught in the cycle of recurring worry.
Transcript (PDF) of Audio Recording
Learn how you can replace despair with hope and discouragement with joy.
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