To All Graduates of the EFT Certificate Program Greetings in 2012 ! We are pleased to announce that if you earned an EFT-CC or EFT-ADV Certificate of Completion from our program you will have a chance to receive increased publicity in 2012 if you elect to continue or relist (or Initially list) your practitioner listing on our website The New Opportunity Over the past year Dr. Patricia Carrington's website,, has become one of the most widely visited EFT websites in the world. From 30,000 to 50,000 people visit her site each month, many of them new to the world of EFT. Accordingly, Dr. Carrington is presently redesigning her website (the new expanded version will be up by the end of January) and it will now link directly to the EFT Certificate Program's site which contains that program's practitioner listings. The link to the EFT Certificate site will appear prominently in a dropdown menu in the "About EFT" tab on the top navigation bar of the home page of her new site for ALSO� In order to keep our practitioner listings of interest to the public despite the fact that the program no longer issues the certificates, we will be instituting a new feature on the EFT Certificate site which will be a Practitioner Article Directory. The public is interested in reading articles, and the Article Directory will give an opportunity to each practitioner currently listed in our Practitioner List to link from their own listing page to articles written by them and posted in the directory. You can post up to three separate articles there (under your own name). If you have written articles on EFT you feel would be useful to demonstrate your expertise in this area, or want to write some, this will give you an opportunity for them to be seen by a new public. In light of our plans for increased public exposure for EFT Certificate Holders we are also inviting those who may not have listed last year to list now. COST: Fortunately, despite our extended exposure, we are able to keep our annual listing cost conveniently low. The fee will be only $50 for a full year's listing, with an optional one time fee of $30 for the inclusion of your photo if you do not yet have one posted, or if you want to substitute a new photo. IMPORTANT: You will need to renew a present listing by January 25, 2012, if you do not want to have it taken down at that time. To RENEW Your Present Listing in the EFT Certificate Program's List of Practitioner To REINSTATE Former Listing or to list for the FIRST TIME If you are renewing your listing we strongly suggest that you to go to to check on whether your present listing is fully up to date. We are enthusiastic about being able to offer this extended opportunity for you in 2012 and wish you a very Happy New Year! The team at Debra Thomas
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