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Variations to Basic EFT

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What is Dancing EFT?


In a recent workshop conducted in Cuernavaca, Mexico, Dr. Sandra Radomski devised a new form of EFT. Sandi is the specialist who uses EFT with such success for allergy-like reactions -- http://www.allergyantidotes.com.  At this Mexico workshop she found herself facing an audience who had succumbed to afternoon exhaustion and sat staring dimly at her or nodding off into mini-sleeps.  This was the familiar, undesirable "afternoon slump" that haunts any group leader.

Ordinarily Sandi would have asked the group to stand up, wave their arms, stamp their feet, and otherwise move vigorously to energize their bodies.  As we all know, this can help for in this kind of situation.  However this group had learned EFT and been applying it for their allergies for several days and Sandi had a sudden inspiration.  Why not have them stand up and do the EFT tapping sequence (without saying the words) to MUSIC?

She called out to them, "Stand up!" and when they did so, at her request the audio technician began to play a lively South American recording over the loudspeaker.  Sandi's instructions were -- "Tap the EFT sequence to the music -- and keep tapping!�

They did this with enthusiasm (see photos) and some of the group members spontaneously formed a conga line by tapping on the Under Arm spots of the person in front of them.

Women tapping the EFT finger spots in time to the music.

Woman in red blouse taps her fingers while person in background taps inner eyebrow spot, all in time to the music.

Sandi (right) leads group in EFT dancing as she taps under-nose spot.  Other EFT spots are being tapped by group members.

Foreground participants tap top of head and side of eye spots, while others form a conga line thumping under-arm spots of people in front of them.

Woman in background taps the under mouth spot while the others join the tapping conga line � note the individuality of responses and the group's obvious enthusiasm.

Sandi (center) demonstrates the underarm spot (imitated by woman at left in red), while others move through the sequence at their own pace.


This was a very successful strategy at this workshop, but can we use such a technique in ordinary EFT practice for other purposes?  It is Sandi's impression that the group was exceptionally energized, positive and responsive after their "Dancing EFT" session, more so than is usually the case following standard stretching exercises or even after a short interval of regular dance such as is sometimes used to liven up an audience during an afternoon slump.

As I see it, the real value of "Dancing EFT� will come to light when we see its possible clinical applications.  I can imagine it being used excellently with children, particularly those with ADD or ADHD who cannot sit still to tap.  In fact, I can imagine children joyfully singing "I'm an awesome kid!" to the music as they tap!

If you use EFT with children, either in your family or professionally, you may be interested in trying this.  It can't do any harm and may be a good way to instruct them in the use of the tapping spots (among other benefits) and there is the possibility that it may do a good deal more for them than just teach them how to do EFT.  Let's hear from you on this!

Sandra Radomski can be reached through her web site http://www.allergyantidotes.com.

Dr. Patricia Carrington, EFT Master


Variations to EFT Index

Can EFT be used with children?

Other Ways to Use EFT






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