EFT Tapping Styles – (Article)

By Dr. Patricia Carrington

Each of us has an individual way of tapping, when doing EFT.

Does this make a difference in the results?

We don't know the answer to this question experimentally, but a person's tapping style can be revealing and may be important in terms of the results they get.

Here are some of the familiar styles of tapping that are frequently seen in EFT.

Tapping Forcefully

Some people tap so vigorously that they may even bruise themselves!  EFT expert Silvia Hartmann reports, for example, that she was once tapped by an EFT practitioner who “nearly drilled holes in my head and I had to physically stop the person because it was so unpleasant."  Such people may be storing much anger within them that they let out during EFT.  This can be beneficial, but not when done to excess. These people seem to get just as good results as anyone else from the tapping, but at the risk of hurting themselves or others in the process. 

It is often necessary to deal with this issue if you are in charge of an EFT session.  One way to handle this is to have the person tap on the EFT phrase, “Even though I’d love to just smash them (her, him, it, etc.) I choose to be kind to myself and use just the right strength for my own good." 

A Percussion Effect When Tapping

Silvia points out that the EFT tapping motion, unless performed very slowly or with little energy, has a fast “touch-release” pulse to it and is carried out much as the person would tap on a drum to make it ring out.

She points out that EFT tapping is similar to drumming because if you follow through too much (i.e. linger too long on one spot with your original tap), it deadens the resonance response and in the case of a drum, the sound is dulled and stops dead after the impact.  In order to allow the drum to resonate, the pulse has to be swiftly put in and then the pressure removed so the drum’s skin can resonate and vibrate to make the sound.  Silvia sometimes has her trainers practice this on any object that can serve as a drum.  She finds an advantage to this form of tapping, although my speculation is that while it is very effective for some people, for others it might be contraindicated — we are all so individual.

Barely Touching Oneself While Tapping

Some people’s hands seem to float through the air while tapping, barely making contact with their own flesh, yet these people seem to obtain just as good results doing EFT as they would if thumping themselves.  This makes for a dreamy, tenuous, almost meditative approach, but again – it is what works for the individual that counts.

Tapping Limply

By contrast, some seriously depressed persons may move so slowly when tapping, and do so with such a limp wrist, that they are not apt to get any real benefit from the experience because they are not actually “in” it – they are not emotionally engaged.  In such a case it may be necessary for you, as an observer, friend, or therapist, to tap for them in order to get a result.

Not Tapping at All – Just Touching and Breathing

Then there is the familiar “Touch and Breathe” technique developed by psychologist John Diepold. It doesn't involve tapping at all, but simply touching and holding each of the EFT points in turn while saying the reminder phrase and taking a deep easy breath.  Some people do better with this method than with tapping and it is an excellent one to employ if a somewhat dreamy, meditative mood is desirable in order to calm a person down.  Extremely active people often don't care for “Touch and Breathe.”  However, the fact that it can be very effective is proof that tapping styles can vary widely within the normal range and still get great results.

I would urge you to observe this phenomenon in yourself and others and see what conclusions you come up with.

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