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EFT for Mental Illness & Retardation
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EFT and Schizophrenia (Page 2)
Along the same lines, although not quite as dramatic an instance with respect to the control of psychotic symptoms, the clinic reports another young man, also diagnosed as schizo-affective, who would frequently hear a disturbing ?crowd noise? in his head ? it was not tinnitus but rather a mumbling sound as though that of voices in a crowd where the words could not be distinguished. It was extremely annoying to him. His therapist decided to use EFT with him to help him control the annoying crowd sound, and together they formulated the following set-up phrase, ?Even though I am sometimes disturbed, annoyed and confused by the background noise I can?t identify, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.? He was experiencing the noise at the time he first tapped with EFT, but by the end of the session the sound was completely gone.
When he was next seen, two weeks later, he reported that he hadn?t used EFT ?as often as I should? (a common reaction of patients, particularly if they are too distraught to be able to deal with their own symptoms) but that he had used it once or twice when the noise was annoying him, and that each time the sound had then gone away completely. It seems that every time he heard the murmuring of the crowd, he could make it disappear by using EFT.
These findings are slim and of course very tentative because we have only these two reports as yet, but it should be noted that we have no reports of EFT being used with hallucinatory symptoms and FAILING ? just these two successes. Possibly some of you reading this report know of other instances where EFT has been used with patients experiencing hallucinations. If so, it would be of great help to all of us if you could report this to me so I can pass the information along to others. In looking into its use for severe psychotic symptoms, we are exploring the unknown and following Gary?s advice to ?Try EFT on everything.? Ultimately, this advice may yield valuable results.
EFT Master, Dr. Patricia Carrington
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